Some things to know about plague disease

1. Bacteria: Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, primarily found in wild rodents and their fleas.

2. Transmission: Usually caught through infected flea bites, but also inhaling droplets (pneumonic plague) or contact with infected fluids/tissues.

3. Forms: Occurs in three forms: bubonic (swollen lymph nodes), septicemic (bloodstream infection), and pneumonic (lungs).

4. History: Responsible for deadly pandemics like the Black Death, but modern antibiotics make it treatable.

5. Symptoms: Fever, chills, weakness, swollen lymph nodes (bubonic), cough, difficulty breathing (pneumonic).

6. Severity: Early treatment crucial, untreated plague can be fatal (30-100% mortality rate).

7. Modern Occurrence: Still exists in rural areas worldwide, particularly Africa, Asia, and western US.

8. Prevention: Avoid rodent contact, use insect repellent, practice good hygiene around sick animals.

9. No person-to-person spread (except pneumonic): Casual contact with bubonic plague patients is low risk.

10. Early diagnosis and treatment: Key to preventing complications and ensuring survival.

Important Note: This information is intended for general awareness only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.