What are the top 9 common scams?

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[1] Phone scams

What does a phone scam look like? A phone scammer may pose as a bank representative, debt collector, government official, police officer, or other authority figure.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[2] Email scams

Scammers also send fake emails (“phishing emails”) to achieve the same goals as fake phone calls. They may threaten legal action, promise a prize, or request help.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[3] Renter scams

Rental scams target potential renters with fake ads or fake responses to real ads. The goal is to get you to pay a fee or sign a lease before seeing a property that may not exist at all.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[4] Seller scams

Seller scams can happen in person or online. Given the rise in online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace, eBay and even non-reputable online retailers, consumers need to be careful about typing in their credit card information.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[5] Debt collection scams

Scam debt collectors might be vague when they contact you, avoiding specific debt information and pressuring you to pay quickly and share personal information.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[6] Lottery and prize scams

If you receive a call or email about a contest you never entered, it’s likely a scam. A life-changing prize might make you give over this information before realizing it’s not legitimate. 

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[7] Romance scams

Romance scams can happen in person, but they’re more common online. Scammers will pose as a love interest and gain your trust over time before requesting money or access to your bank account.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[8] Charity scams

In a charity scam, scammers will pose as a legitimate charity and solicit donations. Charity scams are popular during the holidays and in the wake of tragedies and natural disasters.

by scamlegit

Dec 1, 2023

[9] Student loan scams

Scammers may promise to eliminate your student loan debt or offer to consolidate your federal student loans for an upfront fee. Both are usually student loan scams.