
Top 7 Scams of 2023

By Pawan             Dec 25, 2023

Image credit: Pexels

1. Cryptocurrency-Romance Scam 

Scammers exploit romance seeking individuals by persuading them to download an app, and invest in fake crypto accounts.

2. Payday Loan Scam

Con artists target workers by offering fake payday loans. The targeted victim has to prepay a fee during the loan application process. 

3. One-Time Password Bot Scam 

Bots are used by criminals to deceive people into sharing two-factor authentication codes, usually sent via text or email by banks.

4. Student Loan Forgiveness Scam

By creating fake student loan forgiveness applications, scammers are able to collect social security numbers and bank account information.

5. Puppy Purchase Scam

By creating fake student loan forgiveness applications, scammers are able to collect social security numbers and bank account information.

6. Check Washing Scam

Check washing is a scam where stolen checks are chemically treated to erase details, enabling the scammer to rewrite them.

7. Free-Gift QR Code Scam

The scammer may call and say they are sending a QR code via text message that leads to a free gift card. Don’t take the bait, the QR code leads to a malicious website.