6 tips to reduce sugar in your diet 

Source: healthshots.com

By scamlegit

Dec 26, 2023

Sweet cravings are normal, and we all deserve some indulgence. But excess of everything is bad, and sugar is no exception. So, learn how to reduce sugar in your diet.

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Opt for natural sweeteners such as honey, jaggery, or maple syrup instead of refined sugar. These alternatives not only add sweetness, but also bring unique flavours to your dishes.

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1. Choose natural sweetener

“Use spices like cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg to enhance the sweetness of your dishes naturally. This allows you to reduce the added sugar.

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2. Savour the flavour of spice

Prepare your desserts at home, giving you control over the ingredients. Experiment with recipes that use less sugar or incorporate healthier alternatives. 

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3. Homemade dessert

Processed and packaged foods often contain hidden sugars. Check labels carefully, and be mindful of terms like sucrose, glucose, and fructose. 

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4. Be wary of hidden sugar

Cut down on sugary beverages such as sodas and sweetened teas. Instead, choose herbal teas or infuse water with fruits and herbs for a refreshing, sugar-free alternative. 

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5. Limit sweetened beverage

Harness the natural sweetness of fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth. Incorporate fresh fruits into desserts or enjoy them as snacks. Fruit-based desserts like fruit chaat is alternative to sugar-laden sweets.

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6. Fruitful alternative

By following these tips in your daily life, you can actively reduce your sugar intake and keep your blood sugar levels under control. Remember, small changes add up, and making mindful choices can lead to a healthier and more balanced diet. 

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