Supplements & Vitamins for Women


By scamlegit

Tons of products and supplements claim they can keep you healthy and young, but who can you trust? Check out these 7 super nutrients that you may want to know about for overall health.

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Calcium is an essential mineral found in high amounts in milk and other dairy products as well as fortified foods, such as orange juice and nut milks, that have added calcium. 

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1. Calcium: The Bone Builder

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that our bodies can make on their own when exposed to sunlight. It’s also found in vitamin D-fortified foods such as milk.

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2. Vitamin D: Bone, Mood, and Immune System Enabler

Fish, such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon, are a rich source of omega-3s .

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3. Fish Oil: The Heart Protector

Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin — B9 — that naturally occurs in some foods, but can also be taken in a supplement. Leafy greens are a huge source of folate, especially spinach. 

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4. Folate: The Cell Generator

Iron is a mineral that enables the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body. Everyone’s body uses iron to make two blood proteins. 

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5. Iron: The Blood Builder

Magnesium is a powerful mineral that’s involved in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate biochemical reactions in the body .

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6. Magnesium: The Body Regulator

Lutein is part of a fat-soluble class of nutrients called carotenoids, pigments that gives dark green vegetables, orange and yellow fruits, and egg yolks their vibrant hues. 

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7. Lutein: The Eye Protector